sunnuntai, heinäkuuta 24
tiistaina, heinäkuuta 19
Oh well.. now it happened what I already could expect to happen; the right side of my whole upper body is totally jammed. I started to feel some pain couple of weeks ago, but just ignored it and waited for the pain to go away. I knew, I shouldn`t have done that, but I did. As usual. Yesterday, I had to go to a masseur. She is also an osteopath and tried so hard to open my badly crampped muscles. Oh man, that hurt! And unfortunately that didn`t help much. I`ll see her again on Thursday. With better results, I hope. But that`s not all. This morning my muscles in the upper back hurt so bad, that I wasn`t able to work properly. I went to see a doctor and she was pretty upset with the condition my muscles were in. I got sick leave for the rest of the week, some painkillers and muscle relaxants and an absolute NO for any kind of work with computers. So, I`m breaking the command... Bad bad me! Fortunately I had decided earlier to have this week off from the gym and concentrate more on cardio. I`ve trained pretty hard with max-OT several weeks now, actually two periods without any breaks, and it really was a time to let my body recuperate. The only annoying thing beside the pain is that jogging and cycling ain`t good either. Hmmmm... what the hell I`m gonna do for the rest of the week if I can`t work or sit in front of my computer or go to gym or do cardio?!! Do I really need to go shopping?!! Uuh, I really don`t like that at all, not in this weight at least ;). Any suggestions? ;)
maanantaina, heinäkuuta 18
The winner (?)
He has come a loooong way to spend only a month in our beautiful summer. He started his trip unborn couple of months ago from America. He stopped his journey for a while to be born in France. And now, as five weeks old, he is here in Finland just to leave again. Next stop iwill be in Denmark, where he can enjoy his short childhood running and playing with other foals. All too soon his childhood will be over and he`ll be trained to run around the world with all the best... Sounds a great future, but I feel so sad for him... He was made to be a winner, but has so much work to do to achieve what a man wants him to achieve. Hope you`ll enjoy your stay here with us and will remember these days as the best time of your life :)
More pics...
lauantaina, heinäkuuta 16
Nice words
In the morning I took a quick 20 kms ride with a bike. The weather was (is!) still hot, but fortunately cooling wind was blowing. That was nice but also irritating, cause it made my cycling time to time veeery heavy.
I was heading back at home when a man stopped me.
man: "Hello" me: "Well hi..." man: "I`ve seen you cycling a lot. How long rides you make?" me: "Weeeell, it depends... This was 20 kms, but usually something between 20 and 60 kms" man: "Oh! That long! Really?!" me: "Yeah...." man: "Let me see your bike. Is this some special bike?" me: "No, it`s quite normal hybrid bike with 21 gears. But I like it. It`s kind of all-rounder... Good to ride both on streets and in woods." man: "Are you a gymnast?" (whaaat?!) me: "Oh no, but I exercise lot." man: "I definately can see that! You`ve got sooooo beautiful body!" (Making some curves in the air with his hands) me embarrased: "Oh thank you... Gotta go!"I wonder why it`s always so hard to accept compliments of your body.. or anything. Maybe it`s just a part of Finnish nature, I don`t know... I really don`t see my body beautiful. So many incompleteness in it; too much fat and cellulite, too little muscles :/ .The man I met today was kind of weird, but if I´m truly honest, it felt good inside to hear his words :). Were they true or not ;). It`s not everyday life to hear something like that... At least not in Finland ;)
torstaina, heinäkuuta 14
keskiviikkona, heinäkuuta 13
Blogging in English?
Hehee, maybe I really should focus blogging in English, cause nowadays only 16% of visitors in my blog seems to be Finnish ;) I think the main reason is a link on (former Transvigor?), which describes me as a woman in Finland who is gorgeously muscled but still considers herself a "wanna be". Hmmmm... I guess either the photos of me or my mirror must be lieing ;D The heat wave continues! And today I`m really going to force my mind to listen to my body; no jogging, no matter how great the weather is ;). I`m also thinking of moving my chest and abs workout till tomorrow because of a little pain in my right pec and shoulder area. Okay, back to work!! Have a great sunny day everyone! :)
tiistaina, heinäkuuta 12
Helle - Heat wave
Hemmetin helle! Pää on täynnä ajatuksia, mutta niitä ei vaan jaksa kirjoittaa ylös. Mä kyllä rakastan helteitä, mutta mieluiten kokisin ne jotenkin muuten kuin arjen keskellä; mihinkään ei jaksa keskittyä ja yöt menee hikisenä lakanoissa venkoillessa. Mutta lomasäänä helle on aivan ehdoton! :) Kesän myötä pään on sekoittanut myöskin himoliikunta ja mansikat. Jätskiäkin on mennyt yllättävän paljon. Syyttävä sormi osoittaa jälleen aurinkoon. Jalat on dead ja täynnä rakkoja. Huomenna on pakko selvitä pelkällä salitreenillä. Niin oli pakko maanantainakin, mutta jälleen kerran löysin itseni lounaslenkiltä, kävelysellaselta tosin, koska kintuista ei yksinkertaisesti muuhun ollut. Tänään sentään onnistui jo aamusprintit ja jalkatreeni tuttuun tiistaiseen tapaan ;) ----- It`s some kind of heat wave in Finland and I guess I`ve lost my mind with it! I can`t keep myself away from mom`s strawberry field nor from jogging trails. This is totally insane! My body (specially my lower body) is aching and my feet are full of sore blisters. I don`t know how to put this in English, but in Finland we have a phrase "From stupid head suffers the whole body" and that`s exactly the truth with me now. I just can`t stop! Heh, I know it sounds ridiculous, but that`s just the way it is; my mind wants more and more and more... I`ll post my last weeks schedule later and you`ll understand what I mean ;) Well yeah, better go to bed now... pretty much work to do tomorrow... It`s going to be a sweaty night again *sigh*... And NO jogging tomorrow! I`m gonna get my hair done. Nice! :)
maanantaina, heinäkuuta 11
perjantaina, heinäkuuta 8
Levoton mieli
Ärgh! Mitä mä teen? Päivän hierontasessio peruuntui, kroppa, lähinnä jalat, on tuusannuuskana, mutta mieli halajaa armotta lenkille nauttimaan kauniista kesäsäästä eikä anna mulle minkäänlaista rauhaa keskittyä nyt yhtään mihinkään. Levotonta, levotonta... Miksei tämä keho voi olla RST:tä?!
torstaina, heinäkuuta 7
keskiviikkona, heinäkuuta 6
Number One
It`s funny how things come and go in my life, people come and go... Only one thing stays; bodybuilding. Or fitness lifestyle, if wanted to think that way. From time to time I find myself in different kind of situations where the importance of my body starts to fade... Then I wake again and realize what`s the number one thing in my life. It has been that way for over a decade now and I can`t see it changing... It might, but that seems so far away... If I just may stay healthy, then nothing or no one can take this away from me :)
tiistaina, heinäkuuta 5
Kyllä ilimat nyt hellii! :) Hyvä ja huono juttu; aamulenkki oli upea, mutta työpäivä yhtä hikinen kuin lenkkikin. Myös salilla, jossa ei ole jäähdyttävää ilmastointia, mutta hemmetin isot ikkunat joka ilmansuuntaan kyllä, oli melkoisen tuskallista. Mutta elämä on... Jees, jalantappopäivä oli tänään vuorossa. Mä en tajuu miten saan aina treenit menemään jotenki näin "kaikki kerralla" -tyyliin. Vielä jalat toimivat, mutta huomenna tai ylihuomenna saattaa tuskaa pukata. Aamusta lyhyt lenkki (4 km) ja päälle 4x60 m sprintit parin paarman siivittämänä ja jopa ihan oikein radalla! Oli aamusta niin mukavan tyhjää, etten voinut vastustaa kiusausta ;). Illasta sitten, yllätys yllätys, jalkatreeni! Ihan hyvin tuntui tuokin sujuvan. Ei mitään SuperRaskasta settiä, mutta ei nyt mitään kevyttäkään. KeskiRaskas? Joo, ehkä sit niin. Äääääh... Miks mä en kuule mun ajatuksia, vaikka kuinka yritän niitä kuunnella?! Häirintää linjoilla? Liikaa tavaraa? Hmmm.. tai sitten vaan ihan hiljasta ja tyhjää.
maanantaina, heinäkuuta 4
Easy muscles
In what kind of world are most women living in? Okay, I heard it once again. I guess I never stop hearing this same old crap. Before, I always tried to correct these misbeliefs, but not anymore. Too tired of it... And why should I even care what others think or believe?! I just take of my own business and that`s it. And that`s enough. But, I just can`t stop wondering where the hell all these miracle women come from and why there ain`t more competitors in Bb female Finnish championship, if for most women it`s soooo damn easy to get so HUGE muscles, that they even have to stop bicycling because of that! And I work like a rat, year after year, and just can`t get even near too big muscles. Am I doing something wrong?! Well, I just couldn`t help myself. I usually never show my arms to anyone, but today I just wanted to shock this lady. I wrapped my sleeve up, strained my bicep and asked "Oh, you mean you`ll get muscles like this?". "YAK!", screamed the lady and turned her head away. I think I got the answer ;) P.S. There really ain`t THAT much size in my biceps ;)
Päivä alkoi täydellisesti upeassa säässä lähes 40 km:n matkan pyörällä polkien :). Muutama pieni välikohtaus matkalla sattui, mutta olen kuin olenkin edelleen hengissä. Päivän mittaan taivaanrantaan alkoi kerääntyä yhä synkempiä pilviä. Vuorokauden vaihtuessa taivasta ei pysty enää mustalta erottamaan. Niin, tämä on taas sellainen päivä... :/