Nice words
In the morning I took a quick 20 kms ride with a bike. The weather was (is!) still hot, but fortunately cooling wind was blowing. That was nice but also irritating, cause it made my cycling time to time veeery heavy.
I was heading back at home when a man stopped me.
man: "Hello" me: "Well hi..." man: "I`ve seen you cycling a lot. How long rides you make?" me: "Weeeell, it depends... This was 20 kms, but usually something between 20 and 60 kms" man: "Oh! That long! Really?!" me: "Yeah...." man: "Let me see your bike. Is this some special bike?" me: "No, it`s quite normal hybrid bike with 21 gears. But I like it. It`s kind of all-rounder... Good to ride both on streets and in woods." man: "Are you a gymnast?" (whaaat?!) me: "Oh no, but I exercise lot." man: "I definately can see that! You`ve got sooooo beautiful body!" (Making some curves in the air with his hands) me embarrased: "Oh thank you... Gotta go!"I wonder why it`s always so hard to accept compliments of your body.. or anything. Maybe it`s just a part of Finnish nature, I don`t know... I really don`t see my body beautiful. So many incompleteness in it; too much fat and cellulite, too little muscles :/ .The man I met today was kind of weird, but if I´m truly honest, it felt good inside to hear his words :). Were they true or not ;). It`s not everyday life to hear something like that... At least not in Finland ;)
1 Viestiä:
A lot of non-Finns, especially women, fell at best awkward when total strangers complement them on their bodies. Though they may also be simultaniously flattered, like you were.
The problem isn't necessarily body-image (though it can be), just that it's awfully forward, not to mention that it makes you wonder about his motivation.
But I bet in your case it's especially nice, given what you've said before about the mixed reactions your physique gets.
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