Blogging in English?
Hehee, maybe I really should focus blogging in English, cause nowadays only 16% of visitors in my blog seems to be Finnish ;) I think the main reason is a link on (former Transvigor?), which describes me as a woman in Finland who is gorgeously muscled but still considers herself a "wanna be". Hmmmm... I guess either the photos of me or my mirror must be lieing ;D The heat wave continues! And today I`m really going to force my mind to listen to my body; no jogging, no matter how great the weather is ;). I`m also thinking of moving my chest and abs workout till tomorrow because of a little pain in my right pec and shoulder area. Okay, back to work!! Have a great sunny day everyone! :)
3 Viestiä:
Whoa! I was getting worried that I was the only on-Finn, and you were going to all the trouble of writing English just for me. Good to know that's not true.
Kyllä täällä meitä suomalaisiakin käy ;)
- Cayenne
Joo, Härmästä perkele minäkin, ikuinen Hermis-fani.
t: Pete P.
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